C. Eugene Shockey

TWO KILLED IN WAYNESBORO AUTO CRASH – Two young men are dead and a third hospitalized as the result of a grinding two-car collision Thursday night at the junction of N. Grant St. and Orchard Rd. in Waynesboro. Dead on […]

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Mrs. Katie May Hoover

MRS. KATIE MAY HOOVER, 95, died suddenly at the home of her daughter Mrs. Anna Barncord, 25 S. Church, at 6:30 a.m. this morning. She was born at Ringgold, Maryland, April 28, 1871, daughter of the late Henry and Hattie […]

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Mrs. Mary A. Shockey

MRS. MARY A. SHOCKEY, 71, wife of Ross R. Shockey, died at 5:15 a.m. today at her home, 852 Ringgold St. She had been in failing health since April, 1962, when she suffered a stroke, and had been confined to […]

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Mrs. Nellie C. Shockey

MRS. NELLIE C. SHOCKEY, widow of the late Jacob Shockey, of 919 Dewey Ave. died at the Washington County Hospital Saturday at 9:30 p.m. Following an illness of about three months of complications, aged 78. She was a member of […]

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Mrs. George Harvey Geist

DRESDEN RD. WOMAN DIES IN HER HOME MRS. GEORGE HARVEY GEIST, 79, of 2245 Dresden road, died at 12:30 p.m. Thursday at her home following a lingering illness.  She was born Katharine Shockey in Waynesboro, Pa , the daughter of […]

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Mrs. Dorothy Shockey

MRS. DOROTHY BAKER SHOCKEY wife of John E. Shockey, 919 Dewey Avenue, died at John Hopkins Hospital Tuesday morning of complications after an illness of several months, aged 53. She was the daughter of the late John A. and Mamie (Harne) […]

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Mrs. Lila Bell Shockey

MRS. LILA BELL SHOCKEY, of 109 West King Street, widow of Edward Shockey, died at 10 a.m. today at the Wayneshoro Hospital. She had suffered a fall at her apartment Dec 20 and was removed to the hospital. She was […]

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Jerome Powell

Jerome Powell died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Irene Foreman, 705 South Potomac Street, Friday evening at 10:15 of complications after an illness of three weeks, aged 89 years. Born and reared in Middleburg, Franklin County, Pa., he […]

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Mrs. Margaret Middour

WOMAN KILLED AT ORPHANAGE MRS. MARGARET MIDDOUR, 81, a guest at the home for aged at the Quincy Home and Orphanage, Quincy, Pa., near Waynesboro, was killed instantly on Sunday morning in a peculiar car accident at the home.  At […]

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Laura May Powell

LAURA MAY POWELL, wife of Jerome Powell, South Potomac Street, died this morning of complications after an illness of a few days, aged 73 years. She was born and reared at Mt. Alto, a daughter of Jacob and Susanne Sheaffer […]

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