Mrs. Sarah Emmons

A heart attack believed to have been superinduced through grief over the recent demise of her husband, proved fatal to Mrs. Sarah [] , early Saturday morning. Mrs. Emmons, widow of Daniel EMMONS, well known dairyman and farmer, passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs. Roxie Flanders, Flint, Mich., where she had been visiting for several weeks. Although Mrs. Emmons had been in ill health for the past seven years, her condition had not been regarded as extremely grave and the news of her death was a severe shock to relatives and friends in this locality.  Sarah, daughter of Elliott and McINTYRE, was born in Fulton county, December 6th, . On November 8th, she was united in marriage to Daniel Emmons. Mr. Emmons passed away at the Emmons farm home, two northwest of this city on January 12, . Mrs. Emmons had been a resident of this community throughout all of her life and had a host of friends in this county.  The survivors are a son, Ike EMMONS, Fulton county recorder, of this city, two daughters Mrs. Roxie FLANDERS, of Flint Mich.; Mrs. C. L. , of LaPorte, Ind.; two brothers McINTYRE of Niles, Mich.; Elijah McINTYRE, of Tippecanoe, and a sister Mrs. Al CHESTNUT, of this city.  The body will be returned to Rochester and although funeral arrangements have not as yet been completed it is believed they will be held Monday afternoon.

Published in The Rochester News-Sentinel, Saturday, March 9, 1935

Funeral services for the late Mrs. Daniel EMMONS mother of Isaac EMMANS, county recorder, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roxie FLANDERS in Flint, Mich., Saturday morning after suffering a sudden heart attack were held this afternoon from the home of her son. Rev. William J. SCHROER, pastor of the Lutheran Church was in charge. Burial was made in the Odd Fellows cemetery. The offices of the court house were closed during the hour of the services.

Published in The Rochester News-Sentinel, Monday, March 11, 1935

Fulton County Obituaries – 1935 by Jean C. and Wendell C. Tombaugh