
I saw a mistake in one of the books. How do I get those mistakes fixed?

Send in new Family group sheets. Please follow the directions on the front page of the PDF and send to all emails listed. Let us know if one of the emails doesn’t work.

Are there still reunions?

Yes! Updated yearly (or as needed) you can see where the past reunions where as well as the next year at this link or, the Reunion page just under the History tab.

I think I’m a Shockey descendant but need help figuring out my line.

There are two ways to go about this:

    • Either post on message board in Ancestry and make sure you respond back to questions.
    • Or, send in what information you have on the contact page.

I can’t make it to the reunions but how can I help out?

You can send in donations or purchase merchandise as the funds go towards the Shockey Family Fellowship Inc. to help with keeping the church running and for land taxes, etc. As well as sending in your Family Dues.

How do I get an obituary, birth or wedding announcement, or news article into the next newsletter?

Email the articles to Charlotte Shockey.

Why are the newsletters no longer being mailed out?

Unfortunately due to computer crashes the list of addresses to send out the newsletters to was lost. Also, the cost of printing and mailing out the newsletters have increased. We find its easier to put the newsletter online for most people are on the Internet. If you know someone who would like the newsletter printed because they are not able to get to the online version please contact us and we will get a copy printed and mailed out to you or to the person wanting it printed.

Can I visit Shockeysville when there’s not a reunion?

Yes, you can visit it. There are several areas to check out: the church, Maggie’s homestead foundation, and the time capsule. If you’d like to look in the church and hear some history in person please contact Scott Luttrell (ask for his information via the Contact form).

Is every reunion in Winchester, Virginia?

No, the reunion is located there on even years. Odd years are at another location in the USA. For a time it was on odd years due to having it in Winchester twice in a row. Due/thanks to COVID-19 it helped switch it back to even years without doubling up to have the 50th reunion in Winchester.

I would like to host a reunion, what would I need to do?

If you would like to be put on the list for future reunions you can go to the contact page and submit your area as an option. Please include what entertainments, food, hotels, etc for your area. We like to have a conference room at the hotel to congregate. A few reunions may end up being near some Shockey history sites where you could set up tours, etc. is always a plus but not a deciding factor.

What is the Shockey Family Fellowship Inc?

The Shockey Family Fellowship Inc is a corporation that helps bring in money to help keep the church and the surrounding lands in the Shockey name.

Is this site associated with the Shockey Family Fellowship Inc?

No, the site is not associated but the creator is a member and works on helping the Shockey family as much as possible. The Shop has items available that are associated with the Shockey Family Fellowship Inc and are noted as such. Those funds go to the Fellowship.