Mrs. George Shockey

THE VILLAGE RECORD, WAYNESBORO, PA Thursday, 14 Jan. 1897 Mrs. George Shockey, living on the Samuel Welty farm, near town, who has been seriously ill for the past eight weeks, from blood poisoning, still remains in a critical condition, and […]

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Mrs. Susan Shockey

Mrs. Susan Shockey

Mrs. Susan Shockey On Tuesday of last week occurred the funeral services of Mrs. Susan Shockey at her home two miles south of this city. She has never been strong since the death of their little daughter, Edna, two years […]

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Mary Elizabeth Shockey

Mary Elizabeth Shockey, daughter of Isaac Shockey, died this afternoon at three o’clock, aged ten years. of diptheria. The funeral will take place tomorrow at three o’clock, from the residence on North Cbesnut street. The Abilene reflector., September 29, 1887, […]

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Katie Shockey

On Friday morning last, Katie, the twelve year old daughter of Isaac Shockey, died at the family residence, after a short but severe illness. The services were held from the family residence on Sunday morning last. The Abilene reflector., December […]

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