George Stombaugh

was born in county, , June 18, , and died at the home of his son-in- B. F. Ingermann, Wednesday night, aged 72 years. His parents died when he was quite young and he came to this vicinity with his uncle, Solomon Stombaugh, about , and he has since been a resident here. He was united in marriage to Miss Mary , who preceded him in death Sept. 20, . Three children survive – Mrs. B. F. Ingermann and George and Fred Stombaugh, of this city. He is an honored member of Osage tribe of Red Men and the local G. A. R. post. Funeral services will be held Saturday from the residence of B. F. Ingermann in east Cambridge under the auspices of the two orders.

Cambridge City Tribune, Cambridge City, Indiana, March 16, – P. 10, Col. 1