Harry G. Shockey *

Funeral services for Harry G. Shockey was held at the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon at 1:00 with Rev. E. S. Pangburn officiating. Mrs. Herman Wieland presided at the piano as a quartet composed of Homer Pont, Duane Pont, Mrs. Hazel Condreay and Mrs. Merrill Willard sang “Rock of Ages,” “In the Garden” and “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere.”

Mrs. Shockey spent most of his life in the St. Edward community. He was born July 23, in Yorktown, Iowa and passed away in the Veterans hospital at Lincoln on March 18, at the age of 56 years.

On September 23, he was united in marriage to Irene of Albion. To this union children were born, five sons and four daughters. For several years they have made Hastings their home. Mr. Shockey has not been physically well for soemtime, but had been taken to the hospital just a week before his death.

Mr. Shockey was a veteran of World War I having served with the Field Remount Squadron 340. He spent one year in the service, part of that time in France. He was giving a military funeral. The casket was borne from the church through an aisle of servicemen including the color bearers, color guard, with the firing squad on one side and other Legion members of Post 226 on the other.

At the grave Evan Draeger led the firing squad in presentation of arms. Rev. Pangburn spoke a few words. The firing squad fired a three round salute. After presentation of arms, Charles Zarek, commander of Crosier Post, presented the flag from the casket to Mrs. Shockey, Leon Rimovsky sounded “Taps.”

The firing squad was composed of Clarence Kiesling, Ralph , Emil Zelazny, Amos Jasa, George Werner, Kenneth Swanson and Earl . Other Legionaires attended in a body.

The pallbearers were Emil Hansen, Edwin , Sam Olson, Sanderson, Arthur Larsen and Al Broberg, all of Newman Grove.

Published in Albion News, Albion, Nebraska on 30 Mar 1950, page 4