Mrs. Mary E Hipp

Mrs. Mary E. died at her home in Marengo Saturday evening, April 30, aged 55 years. She leaves to mourn her departure a husband, A. P. Hipp, a son, A. P. Hipp, Jr., and three sisters, one brother and an aged mother. Mr. and Mrs. Hipp had been married for a period of 38 years, sustaining toward each other the most ideal relations as husband and wife. As a wife, Mrs. Hipp was unusually thoughtful and kind and considerate, ready to satisfy the slightest wish of her husband. As a mother she was all that charmed word implies to those who have learned the meaning of mother. As a sister, her winning ways and kindly attentions made her a great favorite. As a neighbor, she lived at peace with all, and the path that she most frequently trod was the one leading to the home of need. And as she lived, so she passed peacefully and quietly away, whispering with her parting breath the blessed assurance that she was ready and willing to fall asleep in the arms of her Saviour. The funeral was held at the home Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Johnson conducting the service. The following are those from a distance who attended the funeral: Mrs. and Mrs. Lulu K. Green of York City, Mrs. Raynor of Ocheydan, , all sisters of the deceased; Ellsworth of Chicago, her brother; Mrs. Dissie Baker and daughter of Chicago; Arleigh Hipp and wife of Brooklyn.

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