Mrs. Albert Chestnut

Mrs. Albert [Rosetta ] passed away at her home at the corner of Eleventh and Monroe streets at 7 o’clock Friday morning after a lingering illness due to heart trouble and complications. Rosetta Chestnut was born in Fulton county and was the daughter of Elliott and McINTYRE. She spent her entire lifetime in this community, and was a member of the First Evangelical Church of this city.  She leaves many relatives and friends to mourn her loss. Survivors are the husband; son John ; daughter Mrs. Guy [Charlotte CHESTNUT] , Indianapolis; two granddaughters Peggy Lou BARRETT and Stephany Lou MOORE, Indianapolis; two brothers McINTYRE, Niles, Mich., and Elizah McINTYRE, Tippecanoe and a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral services will be conducted from the Val funeral at 2 p.m. Sunday. Burial will be made in the Rochester Odd Fellows cemetery.

Published in The Rochester News-Sentinel Friday, July 30,

Fulton County Obituaries – 1937 by Jean C. and Wendell C. Tombaugh