Mrs. Caroline Smith
Mrs. CAROLINE SMITH – Meyersdale, Pa., July 6 – Mrs. Caroline (Shockey) Smith, 85, died, Saturday morning at her home at 308 Olinger street after an extended illness. She was a daughter of Jeremiah Shockey. Surviving are three sons, John L. Smith, chief of police of Somerset; Lewis L. and Charles E. Smith, both of Pittsburgh. Nine grandchildren also survive. Mrs, Smith was a member of the Lutheran Church for more than 50 years. Funeral services were conducted this afternoon at the White Oak Lutheran Church by Rev. Howard K. Hilner, pastor of the Meyersdale Lutheran Church. Interment was in the Whlte Oak’s Cemetery.
The Cumberland Evening Times News Newspaper – Cumberland, Allegheny Co., Maryland – Monday, July 8, 1940