Mrs. Blanche Shockey

On Thursday morning, Dec. 26, Mrs. Blanche passed away from this life on earth, after an illness of several days, which was a sad shock to her many relatives and friends, for one so young in life to depart with all the wants and pleasures surrounding her who always had a kind word for all and lived a bright Christian life.

Mrs. Shockey was numbered among the bright young people of this community and an associate of the young group, her maiden name was Miss Blanche until Thanksgiving , Nov. 29, , when she became the happy bride of Mr. J. C. Shockey, a bright young man of this community, who has been a faithful husband to her, as she had been a faithful wife to him.

Mrs. Shockey was 18 years, 1 month and 10 days old and had been married 1 year and 1 month. She was baptized by Rev. C. V. Shulenburger of the M. E. Church South, which she became a member of at the age of 15 years, and had lived a true Christian life ever since. On Sept. 25th to this happy union was born a bright baby boy, who was the idol of his mother’s heart and the pride of her life. Beside the sorrow stricken husband and the young son who does not know the sorrow of the loss of his mother’s care, she leaves a father, mother, three brothers and three sisters, and the entire community to mourn her loss, while the angels of Heaven are rejoicing to gather one more to the field. Rev. Shulenburger conducted the funeral services and the Rev. Neil Scott spoke a few words of touching interest, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Papinville cemetery.

“We have sorrows, we have troubles
While we live this life on earth,
But our dear ones they must leave us,
When they depart this life on earth
But our father, He will shield us,
He will care for all our wants,
If we will but only believe him.
But this day, he has taken from us,
One whom we dearly loved.”
-A Friend.

The tribune., January 02, , Image 1