Sidney J Baldwin *
Boy, 4, Drowns in Canal Near Blackfoot BLACKFOOT, Idaho — Sidney James Baldwin, 4, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Baldwin, drowned late Monday afternoon in a canal between school and his home on the Blackfoot R. F. D. […]
Betsy J Cotterell *
Claris F Brown *
Vivian Hedin *
Connie L McCarrel *
John L Shockey *
Janet L Rainwater *
James E Shockey *
MR. JAMES E. SHOCKEY, 60, of 6009 Anthony Highway, Waynesboro, died Thursday, April 14, 2011, in his home. His death was unexpected and attributed to natural causes. Born January 4, 1951 in Orlando, FL, he was the son of the […]
Kenneth E Shockey *
Paul W Shockey Jr *
Paul suddenly passed on March 19, 2009. Paul was born in Chillicothe, OH on July 22, 1972 to Paul and Martha Shockey. A 1990 graduate of Rampart High in Colorado Springs. Paul was good hearted and loved his family greatly […]