Christopher L. Johnson Sr. *

This is a G rated, small excerpt in the life of our father a compassionate, successful, complex, intelligent, strong, generous, charismatic man! He always knew what he wanted from a young age and knew how to make it happen. Everything he did in his life, he did to the fullest. At 22 years old he married and opened his first successful business in Grass Valley, . At 25 he had two of his three kids, moved to Everett, where he opened Able Body and Paint Shop owned and operated it for 18 years with his friend Dean Haines. He loved animals and owned so many including fish and other exotics, that in he was on the news with Steve Pool for an entertainment piece called “A Zoo in Everett.” He was an avid Harley until age 50, riding almost daily and loved taking long trips with groups of friends. At 34 he became a 2nd degree Belt in Taekwondo. Over the course of his life he owned and customized 100’s of vehicles. He was to say at the very least an amazingly talented man. With all that he did in his life and everything he owned, what he was proudest of and what meant the most to him, was his family. His son, Christopher Lyle Jr. lost his father who gave him his name and taught him so much. His daughter, Susan Johnson lost her daddy the one man who always knew just what to say to make her feel better. His daughter, Theresa Johnson lost her dad and the person who was always there for her no matter what. His grandson, Christopher Lyle Johnson III lost his papa who was proud of him and proud to have him as the continued legacy to his name. His granddaughter, Mickenzie Christopher Harris lost her papa who always saw her for the joy and happiness she brought to him and others. His granddaughter, Kaylee Johnson Hensler lost her papa the man who helped raise her and meant more to her then words could say. His grandson, Christian Harris lost his papa the man who always believed in him and gave him the confidence to do things on his own. His granddaughter, Stella Maccormack lost her papa and the man who always had a hug for her. Bob and Debby Johnson lost their brother and so many more lost their good friend. He meant so much more to all of us then we could ever say. The hole left in our lives can never be filled, it is the unique shape of him and no one else will ever fit. For those who understand the depth of this grief no explanation is needed for those who don’t, no explanation is possible. We will be having a Zoom memorial for him on Saturday 2, . For those who would like to join please send your info to:, and we will respond with the information. Miss you Daddy!