Donna J Porter *

Donna J. Porter Passed away January 16th, 2023 at the age of 91.  She was as feisty in death as she was in life, from St Mary’s hospital to Ignite Recovery and over to Centerpoint ER she made sure she kept folks hoppin’ until her last breath.
She was born in Monte Vista, Colorado, August 20th 1931 to George W. and Alma R. (Kile) Bishop.  Donna’s arrival surprised her mother while she was on a visit to see her parents in Monte Vista.  After birth, Donna was raised in CaÑon City, Colorado where her parents resided.
Growing up in Canon City, Colorado was a delightful time for her.  You could definitely say this is where her social nature took root and continued the better part of her life.  
Right out of high school she married Earl Edwin Carmack, November 14, 1949. They had one child, Leilani Virginia (Lonnie).  Donna and Earl divorced in 1955.
Donna then married Paul W. Porter on June 4, 1955.  Paul’s love for Donna actually started as a childhood crush when he kissed her in the second grade.  Paul’s job as a field accountant took them to many cities. It was in Worland, Wyoming when Paul Benjamin (Paul B) came along and Bakersfield CA that Rebecca Ann (Bekki) arrived.
Donna wanted to make her mark on the world and that she did.  A wife, a mom, and a full-time office manager and you’d wonder how in the world she ever had time to do all the rest? Some of her most significant positions came from her passion for Genealogy and genealogical research. She became a Certified Genealogist the same year she and her husband Paul moved to Denver in and resided there until 2016.  They moved to Grain Valley, MO in 2016 to be closer to family.
What follows is a list of all the associations of which she was a part, (some of them a life member), all of the volunteer positions she held and all of the presidencies she served. (Feel free to read each one or to skim to the end of this paragraph thinking, darn that sure is a lot   ):
Family History Center Library., Latter Saints Church, Denver, Assistant librarian 1969-1976, member of the acquisition committee, instructor of the special genealogical instruction committee; Staff trainer Lakewood, Co Family History Center, instructor and lecturer in the field; Colorado chapter Palatines to American, Denver, Vice president 1985-1986, President, 1986-1987, exhibitor’s chair National Conference, 1988; Member West Palm Beach Genealogical Society: founder, president 1964-1966; Colorado Genealogical Society: correspondent secretary 1967-1968, president 1968-1969, 1st vice president 1970-73, quarterly editor for The Colorado Genealogist 1969-74;
Colorado Council Genealogical Societies, vice president 1986-1987, president 1987-1990; Colorado State Archives Educational Gift Fund: chair 1991-1993, program chair 1970-1973, seminar chair , chair; Awarded Birdie Monk Holsclaw Volunteer of the year 2014 by the Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies; Judge Black Sheep contest 1988; Foothills Genealogical Society: president -1998, genealogist 1983-1988, educational director since , staff genealogist, Dec 1969-Feb 1974;  Foothills Inquirer magazine since 1983; Genie of Year award 1992; History Society, Indiana Genealogical Society; National Genealogical Society;  International Society for British Genealogy and Family History life: vice president either 1999 or 2000-2003, president either 2003 or 2004-2005;  Ohio Genealogical Society life member, Colorado chapter, Champaign County chapter, Madison County chapter, County chapter, Monroe County chapter;  Missouri Genealogical Society life member;  Maryland Genealogical Society (life);  St. Andrew Society (life);  Institute Heraldic and Genealogical Studies;  Association Professional Genealogists  Association for Gravestone Studies;  Palatines of America (Colorado chapter);  Lower Delmara Genealogical Society;  Baltimore County Genealogical Society;  Shockey Family Memorial Fellowship treasurer since 2005;  Wales Ireland Scotland England Family History Society:  treasurer 1994-2002.  
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Peace Pipe chapter state lineage chair 1970-1973, registrar 1971-1977.
Donna Jean Porter has been listed as a noteworthy Genealogist by Marquis Who’s Who.  
She prided herself in the fact that her ancestors were among the First Families of .  She was a devout member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).  In addition, Donna owned Stagecoach Library 1982-2003.  A rental research library to assist others in finding their family trees.  She also enjoyed sewing, quilting, crocheting, and Brazilian embroidery.  Much of the children’s clothes in the early years were handmade.  She and Paul taught dance at the church.  They loved getting the youth out there doing the swing and the jitterbug.  She enjoyed having canaries and hearing them sing, Ragtime music and everything John Wayne.  She never drove past a cemetery or a quilt shop without stopping. Lonnie, Paul B and Bekki have lots of stories of those days.  In her spare time you could find her in a Chinese or Mexican restaurant, a research library or at a Ragtime Festival.  And boy did she love traveling! Going to Salt City on research trips was one of her favorites.
Donna was preceded in death by her parents, her sister Doris Abney, her brothers Leo and Dale Bishop, granddaughter Bobby Jo, and her great grandson James. Her legacy continues with the three children, LeiLani Herald (Bruce), Paul Benjamin Porter (Cheryl), Rebecca Ann (Will), 10 grandchildren, 27 great grandchildren and  10 great great grandchildren.
Services will be held March 16, 2023 at  6 pm central. Location: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1416 SW 19th St., Blue Springs, MO 64015