Eva M. Shockey *

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Hippensteel Chapel in Lafayette for Mrs. Eva M. Hicks , 66, who died in her home at 1128 17th Street, Lafayette, after being in failing health several years. The Reverend Beryl E. Spross officiated and interment was in IOOF Cemetery.

A native of Delphi, her parents were Eddie and Mary Hicks Schoonover. She was reared near Monticello and was married in 1913 to W. Shockey. The couple moved to Lafayette in where he drives for the Greater Lafayette Bus Co. She was a member of the Church of the Nazarene.

Surviving with the husband are three daughters, Mrs. Herman Mills and Mrs. , of Lafayette; and Mrs. Robert Campbell, of Brook; a son, George W. Jr., of Lafayette; three sons reared in the home, Jack Massey, of route 4, Lafayette; Richard L. , of Lafayette; and Donny Ray , at home; a granddaughter reared in the home,
Mrs. Jimmie Bussell, who also resides there; two sisters, Mrs. Walter Bible, of Lafayette; and Mrs. Luther Hunt, of Delphi; a half brother, Albert Hicks, of Lafayette; and our half sisters, Mrs. Mildred , of near Lafayette; Miss Ines Hicks, Mrs. Dorothy Carter and Mrs. Oma Teagarden, of Lafayette.

Delphi Journal October 17, 1963