Garnett T. Shockey

Garnet P. , son of Franciscus Shockey and Virginia Newlon, born 4 Mar . Married Madge , died 23 April .  After he married, he and his wife moved to Belle Fouch, in about .  They had a daughter, Virginia Rose Shockey born there.  Garnet became a Bronco Buster for the U.S. Army.  He was so good at this that when there was a contest at Camp Crook to ride a horse named Tipperary, he entered the contest.  Tipperary was born in to be a race horse; instead he became a famous bucking horse.  It is stated that for 10 years he bucked off the very riders.  Nobody could ride him long enough to qualify as having rode him.  On 16, , before a crowd of 200 or more people, Garnet rode Tipperary for a dozen jumps or more before being unseated.  The prize for riding this horse was a beautiful horse-hair bridle made by the Indians.  His daughter, Virginia Rose Shockey Seckman has this bridle.  We have seen it and it is really something!  -Ralph Shockey