Henry Shockey



Returned Hom From a Social and Was Smoking, as Was His Custom, Before Retiring–Probably Stricken by Apoplexy–Was 64 Years of Age and a Veteran of the Civil War–Had Lived in Pendleton Twenty Years.

Death came to Henry Shockey, a Civil war veteran and pioneer of the Pacific coast, as he sat at his home last night quietly enjoying his pipe. He had been complaining of not feeling well earlier in the , but ate a hearty supper and later, accompanied by his wife, attended a social at Hendricks’ . Mr. Shockey returned home shortly before 10 o’clock and sat down to smoke before retiring. Suddenly he threw his hand to his head, spoke of a pain there, his pipe dropped from his mouth and he was dead.
Mr. Shockey was a member of Kit Carson Post No. 28, G.A.R., and of the Improved Order of Redmen. These two orders will officiate at the funeral. The hour of the burial has not been announced.

Henry Shockey was born at Urbana, O., January 22, 1841. He served throughout the war of the rebellion in Co. D, Tenth volunteer infantry. He came to Pendleton 20 years ago with his family, and until the time of his death was prominently identified with the local Grand Army post. He held the position of post commander. Speaking of Mr. Shockey, Commander G.W. Rigby said: “Comrade Shockey well be said to have been the leading spirit in Kit Carson post. He took a great interest in the lodge, was intensely patriotic, and was loved and honored as a citizen and a soldier.”

Mr. Shockey is survived by a widow and four children–John Shockey of Reno, Nev.; Charles Shockey of Portland, Daniel Shockey and Mrs. Rose Bogert of this city.

Daily East Oregonian, Pendleton, Umatilla, – 12 Jan , Evening Edition, Page 8


Conducted by the G. A. R. and the Redmen

The funeral of the late Henry Shockey was held this afternoon at 2 o’clock from the family residence on Alta street. Interment was at Olney cemetery. The funeral was conducted by the members of Kit Carson post, Grand Army of the Republic, and the local lodge of Redmen, of which the deceased was a member. The Redmen and the old veterans met at their lodge rooms this afternoon and marched in a body to the house where the services were held.

Charles Shockey, who resides in Portland, arrived in Pendleton this morning to attend the funeral. Word has been received from John SHockey, another son, who is a train dispatcher at Reno, Nev., that he will be home, but he requested that the funeral not be postponed until his arrival.

Daily East Oregonian – Pendleton, Umatilla, Oregon, East Oregonian : E.O., January 13, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8.