J.M. Shockey

J. M. Shockey, 64 years old, was killed by a Mo. Pacific freight train enar Ottawa, Kas., Friday afternoon when the train struck a handcar upon which Shockey, the section foreman and others were riding. He was a brother of Capt. John Shockey of Prairier township, this (Bates) county. Mrs. D. O. Bradley of Rich Hill was also a niece of the unfortunate man. Capt. Shockey, N.L. Shockey, wife and daughter and Mrs. Bradley left here Saturday morning in a motor car for Ottawa to attend the funeral services. The death of J. N. Shockey is the second fatal accident in the Shockey family, it being recalled that Miss Emma Shockey, a most estimable lady, was killed in an automobile accident in Pennsylvania two years ago. –Rich Hill Review
Butler Weekly Times & The Bates County Record – Butler, Missouri, The Butler weekly times., November 08, 1917, Image 5.