Jacob Shockey
Mr. Jacob Shockey, one of our oldest and most esteemed citizens died at his residence on South Church street last Friday afternoon, aged 86 years, 3 months and 27 days.
He had been in delicate health for some months, but the Saturday before his death, he fell from a porch, dislocating his shoulder and breaking one of his ribs. Pneumonia soon appeared and he rapidly passed away.
He was a native of Morgan County, VA. For many years he taught school and was a very successful and popular teacher. He was a man of intelligence and took great interest in the politics of the country. Of a kind and genial nature, he had many friends with whom he loved to converse. He was of a Methodist family and had been a member of that church for many years.
He was a Confederate veteran, having gallantly served in Co. C, 33rd VA Infty, Stonewall Brigade. He was wounded at the battles of 2nd Manassas, Sep. 1s, 1862 and at Spotsylvania, May 12th, 1864.
His first wife was Annie Copp by which he had four sons, Messrs, Joseph, John, Hubert and George, and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Bookwalter and Mrs. Annie Colgan, both residing in Pennsylvania.
He afterwards married Mrs. Sarah Robey, widow of Rev. Andrew Robey of the Baltimore Conference, M. E. Church, South.
Funeral services were conducted last Sunday at his late residence, by his pastor, Rev. R. L. Fultz assisted by Rev. N. H. Sykes. All of his children and a number of his grandchildren were present. His body was buried in Massanuttan cemetery.
Shenandoah herald., September 23, 1910, Image 3