Mrs. Mary Hughes Marks

Mrs Mary Marks, 94, of Latrobe R.D. 4, died Sunday evening at Latrobe Hospital. Born Jan. 4, , in Cook Twp., member St. Lutheran Church, Youngstown. Preceded in death by husband, J. Calvin Marks in . Surviving children, F. and John Oliver, Latrobe R.D. 1; Mrs. Walter (Estella) of Latrobe R.D. 5; Mrs. William (Nina) of Latrobe R.D. 4, 26 grandchildren; 54 great-grandchildren; two great great-grandchildren; brothers and sisters, George Hughes, of Oakmont; Mrs. Susan Mershon Latrobe R.D. 5; Mrs. Gertrude of High Point, N.C.; Mrs, Nettie Custis of Youngstown, . Friends received at the James P Gaut Funeral Home, after 7 pm today. Funeral services 2 pm Wednesday, St James Lutheran Church, Youngstown, Rev. Leo S. Fontaine. Interment church cemetery.

Published Obit: 8/16/