Mrs. W. W. Shockey

DEATH ENDS TWO YEARS’ ILLNESS Mrs. W. W. Shockey Passed Away Sunday MRS. W. SHOCKEY died at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at the family residence, 919 Wood street. Her death was caused by heart trouble complicated with other diseases. She was 62 years old. SLEPT IN CHAIR. Mrs. Shockey had been in failing health for the past two years, and for at least a year her condition had been regarded as serious. She was unable to lie down and slept in her chair. She had a sinking speIl Saturday and lost consciousness and her decline was rapid. She had lived in Decatur since 1867 and enjoyed a wide acquaintance. Her maiden name was Elizabeth R. . She was born in Buchanan county 22, . At the age of 6 years her parents died and she made her home with an uncle in until Jan. 23, 1862, when she was married to W. W. Shockey. In August of that year Mr. Shockey joined the army and at the end of his enlistment the couple moved to DeWitt county. CAME IN They came to Macon county in 1866 and the following year came to Decatur, where they continued to reside ever since. Mrs. Shockey was an active member or the Ladies’ Aid society of the Christian church until illness forced her to remain at home. She had many friends and was held in high esteem. Besides her husband, Mrs. Shockey is survived by the following children: Shockey of York, Mrs. Sallie Parlier and Mrs. Carrie Parlier of Maroa, Luther Shockey of Waco, Tex., William Shockey and Miss Blanch Shockey, both of Decatur. The time and place of the funeral will be announced later.

The Daily Review Newspaper – Decatur, Macon Co., Illinois – Monday, February 6,

FUNERAL OF MRS. SHOCKEY The funeral of Mrs. W. W. Shockey will be held at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon from the family residence on West Wood street. The interment will be at Greenwood. Harvey Shockey of New York and Luther Shockey of Waco, Tex., are on their way home.

The Daily Review Newspaper – Decatur, Macon Co., Illinois – Monday, February 6, 1909