Rayburn L. Coston

BELDING — Rayburn L. , 57, metal finisher at Products Corp, died Sunday at United Memorial Hospital. Surviving are his widow, Phyllis R, and 4 daughters, Mrs. Marvin (Katherine) Tyler, R1 Gowen, Mrs. Gerald (Joyce) and Mrs. Richard (Maty Lou) Chickerlng, Belding, and Mrs. Robert (Jacqueline) Matlock, Kalamazoo. Also surviving are 5 sisters, Mrs. Lyle Clock and Mrs. Mary Hansen, Greenville, Mrs. Buck Shepherd, Belding, Mrs. Bill Bowerman, Fenwick, and Mrs. Vene , Manistee; a half brother, Black, Greenville, and 15 grandchildren. Mr. Coston, 7650 Rd, was born In Vestaburg, Oct 8,. His parents were and Blanche Coston. Services will be 2 pm Tuesday at Funeral Home, Belding. The Rev. Wilford Wood will officiate. Burial will be in Green Cemetery. Memorial contributions be made to the Heart Fund at the funeral home.